Why do Muslims bow down , prostrate and then stand as though they are exercising while offering prayers?

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This article is taken from Ummah.com



1. Mind is not directly under control.

Pschycologists say that the human-mind is not directly under our control and many a times it keeps wandering. The body is directly under our control. If I want to raise my hand I can raise it, if I want to take a step forward, I can do it. But human mind is not directly under our control. Therefore to humble the mind you have to humble the body and there is no better way of doing this than what we muslims do i.e. to bring the highest part of the body i.e. the forehead to the lowest level (i.e. the ground) and then say ‘Subhanarabbil aala’, i.e. glory be to Allah, the Most High.

2. Medical benefits of Salaah:

Besides the spiritual and social benefits, there are several physical and medical benefits of Salaah.

1. Ruku – Bowing:

During salaah when a person bows down in Ruku :-


a. Additional blood is pumped in the upper part of the body.

b. Spine is made supple.

c. Spinal nerves are nourished and this provides relief for back-ache and pain.

d. Effective posture against flatulence.

2. Ar–Rafu – standing after bowing:

When a person stands up from ruku, fresh blood which was sent to the upper half of the body returns back to its normal flow and the body is relaxed.

3. Sajdah – Prostration:

Sajdah i.e. prostration is the most important part of Salaah.

a. Electrostatic charges:

Daily people are subjected to electrostatic charges from the atmosphere. These charges are precipitated on the central nervous system which becomes super saturated. If these extra charges are not got rid of he may have head-ache, neck-ache, muscle spasms, etc.,

The best way to get rid of these electrostatic charges is by dissipating them and discharging them out of the body. As a heavy electric appliance requires a three pin plug, the third pin and wire for grounding and earthing, similarly a human being have to earth these charges on the ground. He has to put his forehead on the ground. There will be maximum dissipation of the extra electrostatic charges from the brain and the central nervous system into the ground. You will not get a shock, if you put your hand beneath the prayer mat, under your forehead. In sajdah the forehead is put on the ground, because the thinking capacity of the brain is in the fore lobe and not at the top of the head. Hence we receive peace of mind and soul by prostrating during our five daily prayers. One also gets peace and relaxation.

b. Increased blood supply to brain:

During Sajdah the blood supply to the brain is increased which is beneficial to the brain.

c. Increase blood supply to the face:

During Sajdah the blood supply to the face is increased which promotes facial circulation especially in the cold season. It may also help to avoid Fibrositis and chilblains by increase of blood flow to face and neck. For more details how Sajdah helps Read this Sajdah has plenty of medical advantages

d. Drainage of paranasal air sinuses face:

Five times regular sujud (prostration) helps in drainage of paranasal air sinuses. The maxillary air sinus has its estium at its upper and medial part and bending of the body will be like tilting a pot containing fluid. Normally due to the continuous erect posture throughout the day, the maxillary air sinus cannot be drained and a person suffering from maxillary sinusitus usually gets afternoon headache.

Similarly the frontal, sphenoidal , and ethmoidal sinuses drain better during the various postures of salaah.

e. Drainage of the bronchial tree:

Sajdah causes drainage of the bronchial tree and prevents the secretions from accumulating in it. It is a natural treatment for drainage of secretions in bronchiotesis and other pulmonary diseases leading to stasis of secretions, dust of various kinds and bacteria.

f. Exhaling of residual air:

Normally only 2/3 rd of the lung capacity receives fresh air. The remaining 1/3rd is residual air . During sajdah the abdominal visura presses against the diaphragm which presses against the lower lobes of the lungs which help in exhaling the residual air thus allowing more fresh air to be inhaled and thereby maintaining healthy lungs.

g. Increased venous return from the abdominal organ:

During Sajdah due to reduced gravitational force the venous return from the abdominal organs are increased.

h. Useful against femoral and esophageal hernia:

The Sajdah and Ruku postures are very useful against femoral and esophageal hernia by decreasing pressure at these openings.

i. Prophylaxis against hemorrhoids (piles) and prolapse of uterus:

Sajdah can help a lot in prophylaxis against hemorrhoids (piles) and prolapse of uterus.

j. Musles are called peripheral heart and increase and increases vinus return to lower half of the body.

During Sajdah when a person lays his body weight on legs flexed at knee the boleus muscle (muscle) which has extensivevenous network and is also called as the peripheral heart of the body is put ito action which increases venus return from the lower half of the body and also acts as a massage for these muscles

k. Beneficial in cervical and other spinal diseases

During Sajdah, a person has a support his body on knees, hands and forehead. This posture has it is effects on the inter vertebral joints especially in the cervical and other spinal diseases, due to the abuse of moderisation subsequent to mechaised life and lack of bodily movements. Effective cure in cardiac disease. The posture is sajdah is an effective cure in cardiac disease.

4. Jalsa – Squatting:

i. Fresh blood which was sent to the upper half of the body returns to normally and the body is relaxed.

ii. Stimulates circulation in the nerves and muscles of the thigh.

iii. Relaxing the muscles of the body including those related to the spine.

iv. Eleminates indigestion and lonstipation.

v. Beneficial in case of peptic ulcer and other stomach ailments.

m. Rising back to standing position (Qayam)

5. Rising from sitting to standing position on the toes puts the complete body weight on the toes and thus

i. Increases the strength of the muscle of the backbone thighs knees and legs.

ii. Free from backache.

iii. Free from degenerative disease of the knee.

6. Medical benefits only side dishes. Salaah is offered for pleasing and thanking Allaah (swt):

We muslims do not offer salaah for all these medical benefits. We offer Salaah to thank Allaah (swt), to please Him and to follow His commandments. These medical benefits are only side dishes or fringe benefits. Which may attract an unbeliever or a person of less faith. Thus our main course that is the chicken and the biryani is to seek Allaah’s pleasure.

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