Ihsan & Rahmah* – A Way Forward *Mercy and Compassion

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There is a need to build resilience in all of us especially with more and more events happening affecting the Muslim community.

Why not join this Saturday’s Al-Falah Tea Talk series in an effort to build resilience in yourselves?

This week’s Tea Talk Series at Al-Falah Mosque will be “Shaping Resiliency in the Muslim Community” by Ustaz Irwan Hadi Mohd Shuhaimy.

It will be held this Saturday 19 July from 2.15 pm to 4.15 pm.

Among topics that will be discussed include:

* The importance of sharing Islamic values to non-Muslims in more effective ways
* The benefit of interaction and learning from other community, which is also one of our Prophet’s traditions,
* And the importance of instilling mercy and compassion as values in the Muslim Community.

Registration is free of charge and there are limited spaces available.

To listen to previous talks held at Al-Falah, please visit the podcast audio page.

mardy Written by: Siti Mardhiah Mahmood

Occupation: Accountancy / Freelance Writer (BH)


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