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Doors of Guidance – the second chance

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An ode to www.islamicevents.sg –

Let us revive a Campaign called guidance clinic. This special outlet takes in only those sincere hearted ones.

And all the blogs of guidance enthusiasts are mutually linked keeping all in the loop with regards to knowledge gatherings.

In this sphere, time and location becomes synchronized as we share information to help others and spread the love of Islam.

The cattle 6:125 –

So whoever Allah wants to guide, He expands his heart to contain Islam; whoever Allah wants to misguide, He makes his heart tight and constricted…

Nature of guidance is as varied as understanding halal consumption, bringing families together via beneficial and blessed events, getting answers from recommended reading materials, or strengthening communal ties through discussion groups.

Common aim is to banish lingering doubts and confusion in the Deen so each one exhort the other in earnest to clarify with other sincere meaning da’e. For the roots of human downfall are carelessness or negligence and unawareness or following orders blindly so perhaps keeping to the rules of the thumb is adopted:

Working hard to ease the burden off others’ shoulders via an intention to make a difference.

Understanding a universal attraction that being courageous in mind translates to honorable deeds.

Having a clear focus with regards to one’s desired destination, either worldly or the next life.

Taking heart with the analogy of two types of door. One door has a mirror reflecting one’s own image but it is a lateral image nonetheless. The other is a glass door which allows one to peer through the other side, one is just an observer.

You have now made your step on this portal where a vast platform has been laid out for your dreams to realize.

“I believe we should give people chances…” – Fadzuli

It has been 5 years of striving. With the continued prayers and well wishes, all our dreams for unity through technology is finally flourishing and will continue to be, Biiznillah!

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