Home Technology Quran FB Apps Not Appearing After Installations

Quran FB Apps Not Appearing After Installations

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You may have installed the app but for the last few days, the posts are not appearing on your wall.

If this is to happen to you. Please follow these steps.

Phase 1) Uninstall the App from Facebook. See the following Steps




The above instructions will guide to uninstall the app fully in facebook.

So the next step is re-install the app again.

Phase 2) Install again

Similar to previously how you installed. Go through the same steps. When Facebook ask for authentication and access, please enter your relevant usernames and password and authorize by pressing OK two times.


After which you will be asked to choose your time.


Now its time to wait for it to publish again.

Drop us a note to info@islamicevents.sg if it still not working on your side.



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