Haul almarhum Habib Muhammad bin Salim al attas

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I used to have an obsession that the first Terawih of every Ramadhan must be taken at Ba Al’wie Mosque. And there seem to be overflowing donated Saudi dates for everyone!

Today’s haul is no exception. The overflowing of served food ensures that troupes from Indonesia and Malaysia as well as Singaporeans are taken care of.

Concept of ‘traveller’ in Islam is a takeaway idea and way of life. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says that:

Be in this world as if one will live forever. Strive for the hereafter as if one is meeting death tomorrow.

Bodering between happiness and sadness, it is enlightening to look out who you meet and talk to before, during, and after the journey to the haul. And be assured it will be pleasant, Insya Allah.

As such is it like our life journey. Meeting friends who were first strangers. Then we bring ease to one another. Until we all reach the final breath, leaving behind all our loved ones.

Taking this opportunity to seek all’s prayers for my maternal ancestors from Daik and Songo. The best of Muslims in my heart are still Bilal the elevated whose footsteps in heaven is guaranteed as well as the blind man given such special tribute in Surah Abasa. Wallahu ‘alam.


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