‘Islam Day’ in Hawaii

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Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Earlier today, Berita Harian ran an article titled “Apabila Islam ditonjolkan di Hawaii“. It was an email from a brother, M Effendy A Hamid, who informed us of a bill passed by the Hawaii lawmakers that declared September 24 as “Islam Day” – a day dedicated to honor the positive contributions by the Islamic world. You can read the article below:

Apabila Islam ditonjolkan di Hawaii

By M Effendy A Hamid

BEBERAPA hari lalu seorang kawan saya memberitahu bahawa Dewan Senat Hawaii meluluskan rang mengadakan satu ‘Hari Islam’.

Resolusi itu menetapkan tarikh 24 September tahun ini sebagai hari sulung yang bersejarah itu. Ia diluluskan dengan undian 22 menyokong dan tiga membantah.

Matlamat utama mengadakan ‘Hari Islam’ ialah mengenal dengan mendalam sumbangan Islam dan Dunia Muslim kepada perkembangan agama, sains, budaya dan kesenian.

Setahu saya, Hawaii negeri pertama di Amerika Syarikat berbuat begitu.

Berita itu tersebar oleh harian Honolulu Advertiser dan mendapat reaksi bantahan daripada banyak pembaca. Ini memang sudah saya jangka.

Kebanyakan surat pembaca bernada marah sehingga menggunakan kata-kata kesat yang berbau perkauman dan ekstremis.

Tetapi yang paling ketara ialah keputusan senat itu dianggap menghina mangsa serangan pengganas Muslim pada 11 September 2001 atau lebih dikenali dengan 9/11.

Ini membuat saya merenung jauh mengenai beberapa perkara:

  • Mengapa Hawaii menjadi negeri pertama di Amerika mengadakan ‘Hari Islam’?
  • Adakah langkah ini terlalu awal untuk Amerika?
  • Apakah kesan rang itu ke atas penduduk Hawaii?Hawaii merupakan negeri penting dalam amalan toleransi antara kaum, agama dan bangsa. Sejarah migrasi dan pembentukan masyarakat berbilang bangsa dan agama melahirkan sebuah budaya yang unik sehingga mempengaruhi sistem politik, ekonomi dan budaya.Antara ciri penting komunikasi di Hawaii ialah penggunaan bahasa setempat atau ‘pidgin’, serupa ‘Singlish’ di Singapura.Pernah saya bersembang dengan beberapa siswa Amerika kelahiran Hawaii yang menggunakan bahasa sedemikian. Ketika itu saya berada dalam kelas menunggu siswa masuk.Hanya beberapa kerusi yang belum dihuni dalam kelas itu. Saya perhatikan seorang siswa lelaki berketurunan Jepun menaruh begnya di sebuah kerusi sebagai tanda sudah ditempahnya. Muncul pula seorang siswa lelaki keturunan Korea yang mengambil beg siswa Jepun itu dan diletakkannya di lantai. Siswa Jepun itu melenting:’Ey Brah, you no take da bag from there brah. U wanna get some beef from someone. No akamai brah, sorry.'(Hello brader, jangan ambil bag itu dari situ brader. Nanti ada masalah dengan orang. Tak bijak buat begitu brader, maaf).Murid keturunan Korea itu tersedar dan meminta maaf, lantas duduk di kerusi lain.Saya tercengang dengan slanga mereka. Setelah kelas berakhir, saya tanya siswa keturunan Jepun itu mengenai ‘bahasa’nya. Menurutnya, bahasa pasar itu lebih menyenangkan komunikasi sesama penduduk Hawaii.

    Dek suasana toleransi, Hawaii amat sesuai menjadi sebuah ‘makmal’ menyambut ‘Hari Islam’.

    Tetapi fakta sejarah juga penting untuk memahami pentadbiran Hawaii dikatakan berbeza dengan tanah besar Amerika.

    Amerika menjajah kepulauan Hawaii yang sudah lama mempunyai kerajaan berdaulat. Pada 7 Julai 1898, seluruh kepulauan Hawaii diisytihar sebagai sebuah negeri Amerika.

    Namun, masih terdapat sikap masyarakat Hawaii yang unggul untuk ‘membanteras’ pengaruh dan kuasa tanah besar Amerika

    Walaupun begitu, ‘Hari Islam’ merupakan sesuatu yang baru dan asing. Mentelah Muslim bukanlah majority di Hawaii.

    Saya ajukan hal ini kepada Encik Erenst Anip, siswa di Universiti Hawaii dalam bidang pembangunan antarabangsa. Beliau warga Indonesia, keturunan Cina dan beragama Katolik.

    Katanya: ‘Bagaimana dengan agama lain yang lebih dominan daripada Islam di Hawaii?’

    Kata-katanya membuat saya berfikir jauh bahawa di sebalik niat baik mengadakan ‘Hari Islam’, kesannya mungkin jauh lebih buruk daripada baik.

    Kawan-kawan Amerika saya turut menimbulkan persoalan berikut:

  • Masyarakat Muslim yang mana yang akan diutamakan pada ‘Hari Islam’? Ini kerana terdapat kaum asal Indonesia, benua kecil India dan Timur Tengah di kepulauan ini.
  • Apakah motif ‘Hari Islam’ untuk menarik pelancong Timur Tengah ke Hawaii?
  • Adakah ‘Hari Islam’ kerana dikaitkan dengan Presiden Obama pernah menghabiskan masa kecilnya di Hawaii dan Indonesia?
  • Apakah budaya Islam dan adakah ia sesuai dengan budaya tempatan Hawaii?Kepala saya berdesing memikirkan semua persoalan itu.
  • Saya hanya mendoakan ia suatu langkah ‘akamai’ (bijak atau panjang akal)?

    I was able to find the original article in the Honolulu Advertiser. As I read 20-over pages of comments by readers, this was the main points I could extract from the comments:

    1. Why was Islam singled out? If Islam deserved a day for itself, so do Christianity, Buddhism, etc.
    2. By choosing to honor Islam, it only serves to remind Hawaiians, and Americans alike, of the victims of September 11 and would be highly offensive to the relatives and friends of the said victims.
    3. When there were other problems such as housing, education reforms and the financial crisis at hand, why are the legislators choosing to focus their energies on having a ‘festivity’ and of all things to glorify, Islam was chosen?
    4. There were a handful who said that having Islam Day would affect Hawaii’s tourism negatively.
      A one-day festival was not the issue. The issue is that choosing to even have such a day in the first place was reflective of the mindset and culture of such a place which rendered the place undesirable as a tourist spot.

    Most comments proved to be skeptical, at best, and downright aggressive and insulting at worst. One comment even suggested that this was a tactical ploy by the Senate so that Hawaii would remain off the target of Muslim terrorists. While there were some amusing comments, many were painful to read. The intended day is months away and yet the negative hype created around it is overwhelming.

    Are they exaggerating or over-reacting? Before we pass a judgment, remember that we are speaking as Muslims and therefore have a clearer understanding of our deen than they do. Secondly, many of us did not lose a friend or relative during September 11 and will therefore not feel the emotions that many Americans are burdened with. While many of their hatred are uncalled for and directed towards the wrong target, do keep in mind that they are reacting towards murder and the only portrayals they’ve probably ever had about Islam are negative.

    How would we react if the Singapore government dedicated a day to honor, for example, Christianity? Would we be able to respond positively? Or would we also demand our own Islam Day?

    A comment-poster put up a link to a video to prove that having an Islam Day is a much bigger deal than just honoring the religion. The owner of the video calls himself friendofmuslim yet at the end of the video, a voice narrates: “The Catholic Church recently reported that Islam has just surpassed their membership numbers. As believers, we call upon you to join in the effort to share the Gospel message with the changing world. This is a call to action.”

    Will Islam Day result in more good than bad? I guess that remains to be seen on who the organisers are, what activities are planned on that day, and the guests invited etc. Lets pray that this day would help dispel the doubts and clear suspicions around Islam insyaAllah.

    What are your views? Hit those keyboards!

    Wabillahi Tawfeeq wal Hidayah,


    Ameera Begum Aslam


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      ~Assalamu’alaikum Brother and Sister in Islam,

      In Responses to “‘Islam Day’ in Hawaii” my views is that”Islam is Allah Religion and that mean Allah protect Islam so definately~PEACE be with “‘Islam Day’ in Hawaii” :)May Allah showers blesses on the people who make the thought marking this 24 September special and memorable “‘Islam Day’ in Hawaii” ~Amin!

      From ur sister in Islam,


      ~Wassalam 🙂


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