Progress on Wakf Madrasah Darul Ulum Addiniyah, Cambodia

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Assalammualaikum wr wb,

Blessed month of Ramadan, here we would like to update you on the progress of Wakf Madrasah Darul Ulum Addiniyah, Cambodia which we have helped to fundraise for recently.

We are please to report that the Madrasah is 85% completed. You may see the progress below from April to May 2016. Our representatives have been flying over there monthly to check upon the progress to ensure that everything goes well. Insyallah.


Above are photos taken in April 2016.

9_5 20_5

Above photos taken in early May.

28_5 28_5(2)Above photos taken in late May while doing the paint job.

By the end of Ramadan, we are expecting the interiors to be done insyallah.

More updates soon.


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