Home Business Unique Halal Hong Kong Bakery in Singapore!

Unique Halal Hong Kong Bakery in Singapore!

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When Joo Chiat is mentioned, your mind would probably evoke images of Joo Chiat Complex, Lagun Sari and pubs. But did you know amidst this charming little land lies a halal Hong Kong-style bakery?

Taking over from a Chinese chef, Sarina Lim has kept alive the halal Hong Kong pastries sensation with “Sweet Tarts“! Traditional favourites include the Polo Bun (polo means pineapple, but the polo buns are named not because there’s pineapple in the ingredients but the shape of the bun!), Wintermelon Wife Biscuit and amazing Egg Tarts!

Adding her unique twist to things, Sarina has introduced the coffee-flavoured Husband Biscuit (“Because people kept asking why there’s only Wife Biscuit and not a Husband biscuit!”), Chocolate Tart (“who doesn’t love chocolate?”) and Tandoori Bun, for the savoury-inclined amongst us.

Whilst the Egg Tart is usually consumed for breakfast in Hong Kong, Sarina shared that in food-crazed Singapore, our locals do not require a fixed meal time to enjoy the Egg Tarts.

Hong Kong pastries are famed for their sweetness and buttery goodness. At Sweet Tarts, their traditional Polo buns are joined by the Cheese Polo Bun, Chicken Polo Bun and the new Red Bean Polo Bun. Sarina also said that their Roasted Chicken Honey Pastry are a hit with her customers, besides the popular Egg Tarts.

Best of all, the buns & pastries are priced between $1 – $3 only and they even do deliveries. The next time you are around Joo Chiat or Lagun Sari, be sure to drop by Sweet Tarts to try their Egg Tarts and other Hong Kong pastries for a change!

They are located at 420 Joo Chiat Road, Singapore 427641. You can find them on Facebook here (https://www.facebook.com/hkSweetTarts) or call them at 96532547. They are open from 8am to 10pm daily.

Egg Tarts Promotion!


They are currently having a promotion where you get a FREE Egg Tart with every 8 Egg Tarts purchased! Drop by this weekend and enjoy some halal Hong Kong pastries with your family!

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