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Book of hiring & Wisdom regarding Hajar Aswad

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In the field of organizational development, there is continuous seeking for positive assets.

In hiring, there must be a balance of needs and wants. What goes around, comes around. Once there is an imbalance of talents and the wages, retention is shaken.

Viewing a job as a trust from Allah, the Rich. This is a mutual regard on the side of the hirer and the hiree. Especially so when in our fervor to be the best contributor to the organisation, one may lose sight of the all important Islamic ethics.

Islam espouses universal brotherhood as well as openness to culture. With an understated objective to be Allah’s slave and vicegerent, togetherness in preparing for uncertainty and upheavals with regards to uncompromising situations often times may break even the best in us.

As such, it becomes more essential for a leadership and management motto which paves the road towards greater success in an ever safe environment.

Our Rizq is with Allah, Rabb, the Sustainer and Nourisher. None can give what Allah withhold and none can withhold what Allah gives. But wealth, children, health are all a trial from Allah.

Put our full trust on his Justice and uphold social justice if it is being compromised by human errors. The Angel in charge of sustenance is binded to fulfill its obligations.

Loss of anything is revelation of a deeper reality that to Allah belongs everything. Ya Mujeeb responds to our cries and he grants what is in the recesses of our souls.

Gain coincides with our intentions to fulfill the need of a fellow human being. In this sense, we are all serving Allah every second and multiplying our deeds!

There are many unsung heroes who made a difference to the lives of others in secrecy. May Allah the All-Seeing grants His ease upon them and may the recipients of such Mercy spread theirs too.

Looking back on life, when one door closes, several others open. Ya Fattah, the Opener, holds the key which moves the hearts of those around us. And with this, we are all moving towards His Divine Plan.

Prophet Muhammad the Seal of Anbiya is renowned as Al-Ameen, the Trustworthy even before Prophethood. Five years before Nubuwwah, our Raised Prophet Muhammad put the Hajar Aswad (Black Stone) in the centre of a cloth with each tribe representative holding each corner before Himself restoring it to the desired spot.

Surely Allah is the Wise and may we be successors to this wisdom in the management of our affairs in the footsteps of Beloved Rasulullah…

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