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How Solah Leads to Success

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Success and Solah may at first sound like two different concepts altogether.

The first things that come to mind when we speak of success could include acquiring more wealth, being a better person, getting that coveted promotion – all of these are results of something that we aim for. According to the Oxford Dictionary, “success” is defined as “the accomplishment of an aim or a purpose.”

When it comes to Solah, we may not be able to see how it can be harnessed for our success in day-to-day life.

In the Arabic language, ‘Solah’ simply means “supplication.” The Oxford dictionary then defines “supplication” as “the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly”.

Going by definitions alone, it can already be seen how important it is to supplicate in order to achieve success both in this world and the hereafter, as Solah provides us with the direct link to God and the constant reminder that everything comes from Him- our trials as well as our successes.

Delving deeper into the subject, most of us are aware of the many benefits that Solah gives us, mentally, physically as well as spiritually.

For example, the simple requirement for Muslims to attend to their prayers during a certain time, 5 times a day, instills habit.


The habit derived from doing our Solah religiously is one of punctuality and discipline, traits that are crucial for anyone’s success. Getting used to delaying basic prayers could mean getting used to delaying other work, or procrastinating important duties and tasks.

Do not underestimate the power of rituals and structure – it is used everywhere to achieve the highest form of effectiveness (e.g. the army).

And this is just one aspect of the many benefits that Solah can give us in order to prosper. Ustaz Yazid Muhammad Salleh, a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) trainer, will be talking about how NLP can be used as a tool in his upcoming event, How You Do Your Solah is How You Do Your Success on the 1st of June, 2013.

In a nutshell, Neuro-Linguistic Programming looks at neurological processes, language and behavioral patterns learned through experience and how they can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

There are thirteen presuppositions that shape and form NLP, one of them being: ‘Mind and Body form a system. They are different expressions of the same person.’

This belief states that both the mind and the body directly influence each other, that it is unable to change one without affecting the other. Solah is a perfect example of the marriage between mind and body.

As Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chishti writes in his book “Salat- The Book of Sufi Healing”, this alliance between mind and body can be seen as early as when you Niyyat: “Body feels relieved of weight owing to even distribution on both feet. Straightening back improves posture. Mind is brought under control of intellect. Vision is sharpened by focusing upon floor, where head will prostrate. Muscles of upper and lower back are loosened. Higher and lower centers of brain are united to form singleness of purpose.”

Prayer makes for an exemplary state where both the mind and body work together to greatly benefit us as a person – what more could we ask for?

There are many, many more NLP techniques that can be harnessed in life that will be touched upon in this four-part seminar, where Ustaz Yazid will also talk about solah and concepts in the Quran.

To fully utilize these techniques and tips for advancement in your personal life, work, or just yourselves- do come on down to Singapore Expo Max Atria for an intellectual experience by Ustaz Yazid Muhammad Salleh. More details can be found at http://www.islamicevents.sg/event/3623.

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