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MUIS Open House

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Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Did you drop by MUIS Open House yesterday? Well if you did you would have really been busy running around the place trying to answer all the questions and to get a chop  prepared by the MUIS stuff. I thought this was a very interesting concept and great way to get the public to really know more about MUIS.

At every floor, we had to look through the posters, decorations or ask the MUIS Ambassadors the right question to receive an answer. The journey was fun.

We started at Level 1 of the MUIS building where that had these montages of MUIS history from the day AMLA started to the current situation. I can say our Muslim Community had really come very far since those days.

They say, “If you want to move forward, you need to know the past”.

If you do have the time drop by MUIS and have a look at all the exhibits.

The next floor is where the Zakat Department is. So the next quiz allowed us to learn more about Zakat Distributions or they called it the 8 Hasnafs. Also this was the place where we spent most of time there because we were stuck playing a Financial Game.

The little sisters were playing the game with us. The objective of the game was to teach us about managing money. Its quite a hard game to play as it make you pay, pay and pay. Anyway we got a lot of tidbits here and we took away some knowledge on managing money.

At the next station on the next floor, we were introduced to the Fatwa section and the Court. Below is a shot of the courtroom.

The next floor we were introduced to the Halal Department in MUIS. This is where you need to go to apply for Halal Certifications if you are running a  F&B business.

Above is a shot of one of the ambassodors explaining to a visitor what’s Halal all about. You can win the Halal Directory 2009 if you had answered a question correctly here.

The next floor was where all the Youth Activities are being displayed. If you were lucky you could get a FREE gift here also.

Next at level 6, the Sister above is part of the MUIS team that supports medical care during UMRAH and Haj trips. At that time she was explaining on how to handle someone who fainted during the trip.

A shot from the top. It seems like the “Ikan Longkang Catching” was done at this time. Kids were having fun catching fishes in the blue container – shown on the bottom right of the image above.

There were sold at $3 for a whole bunch of “Ikan Longkangs”. I think this is one of the most interesting games that kids could play. Hope to see more of this during carnivals as its a trend of yester years. Todays kids do not play such games anymore as computer games and the internet have taken over. So it was really great to see the Kids smile and feel the excitement of catching the fishes.

Next up was the Madrasah Irsyad classrooms. Well it aint as crowded as other places. Perhaps we came at a late time.


The quiz we got here was quite puzzling cos we were asked to recalled where was the former Irsyad building located. So what’s the answer eh?

Well if you can answer this question right, we’ll give you a Sabun Sertu package free. Courtesy of www.sabunsertu.com. Email your answers to info@islamicevents.sg

And finally we end up at Masjid Muhajirin. Did you know that this was the first mosque built from MBF ( Mosque Building Fund ) ? Besides the other mosques like Masjid An Nur, Masjid Al Amin and especially the new ones.

So if you were there, share you stories and pictures on your blog. We’ll be glad to link you from here.

Written by: Fadzuli Wahab
Internet Entrepreneur
Founder of IslamicSG Networks


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