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Syahadah – The Ultimate Positive Affirmation

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May this Monday brings lots of happiness and blessings to you! We are going to learn about amazing, positive changes in your life. The best is to learn a mindset to speed up the process of attracting all the wonderful things you’ve desired into your life.

1) Say Them Out Loud

Affirmations work best when spoken with power and conviction.

It’s normal if you feel uncomfortable saying certain affirmations in the beginning… because you may not fully believe them yet.

Saying them out loud over and over again helps to re-program your sub-conscious mind to accept these new beliefs gradually.

You’ll realize that it gets easier and easier the more you do it and over time and you’ll start to say the affirmations with more and more conviction.

2) Say Them In Front Of The Mirror

It is recommended to print out and paste the affirmations near your mirrors so you can look at your reflection when you’re saying them.

This is similar to posting about doas on your facebook walls or pasting beneficial verses of the Qur’an on the mirror or hanging Islamic calligraphy on your house walls.

This is an extremely powerful way to anchor the new empowering beliefs to yourself.

3) Say Them In Your Head

An alternative to saying the affirmations out loud is to say them in your head.

This explains why there is a culture of hafazan within the Muslim community because when all the knowledge is taken away, it is wished that the truth of the Qur’an still resides within the hearts and minds of the faithful.

And even if one has memorised one verse, it suffices.

4) Record Them And Listen To The Recording When Necessary

Another way to do it is to record yourself saying the affirmations and play back the recording when you feel it’s necessary to do so… for example, when you find yourself having negative thoughts.

When travelling from one place to another and just before we fall asleep it is good to zikr as a form of positive affirmation about the beautiful names of Allah, Ya Kareem.

It is interesting to note that research have shown that the sub-conscious mind is most open to suggestions just after you wake up and just before you fall asleep.

5) Write Them Down

You may also want to copy the affirmations down in your own

This editorial page is a form of affirmation to the truths that one can internalise with.

Seeking for avenues for answers that are important to life.

The key to unlocking the potential of your affirmations is… Consistency! Don’t expect to do it once and expect miracles… it just doesn’t work that way. If you want to effect positive changes in your life, you need to use your affirmations everyday or as often as you can. Does it take a little work? Yes… to develop the good habit of positive self-talk… the results are definitely worth it!

The Most Wonderful Affirmation As A Muslim Is Syahadah

And May Allah make Laailaaha illallaah our final breath, Ameen. Await our May segment on topics related to Jenazah and new online obituary, Insya Allah. If you wish to contribute your thoughts, write in to us as well.


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