In pursuit of being Waliullah

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In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The 150th Haul of Almarhum Habib Noh Al Habsyi and Maulidurrasul is a maulid event graced
by many ulamas from all over the world. The event revolves around the theme of Love for Allah
and Love for Rasulullah. The various sheikhs focused on the lives of Waliullah; Almarhum Habib
Noh Al Habsyi and AlHabib Muhammad bin Salim Al Attas.

Though these Waliullah have pass on, their acts of honesty, humility, knowledge seeking, and
virtuous akhlak still serves as an example that can be emulated by today’s generation. More
importantly, these acts are semblances of the guidance by Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him).

In their pursuit of being Waliullah, they live their lives with sincerity, where actions are done
sincerely for the pleasure of God and not for the recognition and praise of human beings.
Furthermore, one has to be conscious of God while doing the deed to ensure that it is not
something forbidden by Allah.

Ustaz Saripi Rawi, who spoke during the event, encouraged the audience to strive and emulate
lives equivalent of Waliullah. In this pursuit, the believer has to prioritize and practice the
obligatory (wajib) acts, complemented by the optional (sunat).

May Allah enable us to follow their examples. Ameen.

From a Volunteer.

May Allah swt bless her and our prayers are for this person for helping us write this article .

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