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Have you realised the colorful features available on the left side of the main page?

Thanks to our Technology Director – Fazli, he wrote some scripts to be able to log every single activity that is happening on the portal. 

If you are commenting, updating a new event, reporting an error or updating a blog post, every single action will be featured here.

Hey how cool is that right?

So right now you guys will be able to know what are the latest updates happening in this site.

So let’s run through some icons that you would notice.

erroiconError Icon

To serve you best, we do need your help in reporting errors. If you do happen to find erronous information in this website, do report it and we’ll do our best to rectify the problem as soon as we can. At the same everyone will also know what’s been corrected. 


commenticon Comment Icon

Your comments will appear once we approve it in the blog arrears. Do participate in our discussions and feel free to comment on our articles.

neweventicon New Event Icon

New events uploaded will appear here.

blogiconBlog updates.

Well this is the icon to look for to get to know our latest news, blog updates. 


Show Past Events

Usually once the event is over its over. You will not be able to see that event again unless you do a search with the box tick as shown below.tickthis

We do not delete past events information as we believe someday someone might need to use this information for research purposes and so on. Hence do look out for this feature to check out hundreds of events that have happened.


Recent Events

We have also implemented a new recent events section for you to view the selected events that where you can view videos and event images of those events..


What’s inside?


As we do shoot videos for some events that we cover. Hence you can also view those videos here.



Another interesting facility would be the Photo Sharing option which use Flickr technology. More details on how to use this tool will be up soon. 

So do check out our new features!

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