ENETs to Purchase Tickets

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In our bid to constantly make things easier for you, we now provide payment by using ENETs! There is no limit to the number of courses and Islamic seminars that one can enrol in in Singapore, alhamdulillah! As the number of events and courses increase, there is a greater need to watch where our money goes. While some may be addicted to shopping, others may be addicted to attending courses. This is good in so far as we practice what we’ve learnt and make that knowledge beneficial, inshaAllah.

Our intention in providing another payment option is to try help minimize the ways we can engage in Riba. Using credit cards is permissible as long as we pay the credit card bill on time. However, sometimes we are not as diligent in doing so and this results in interest payment that we could have avoided.

If you know yourself to be such a person, do utilize the ENETs payment option when purchasing tickets to satisfy your knowledge fix! You can see the step-by-step process below.

For others, this ability to pay via ENETs also offers a more convenient solution than having to log in & out, or more primitively, physically finding an ATM machine to do the bank transfer.

For upcoming courses such as the Basic Faraidh Course, you can now choose between payment by bank transfer, Paypal, credit card or ENETs.

Happy ticket-buying!

Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5 Step6 Step7 Step8 Step9 Step10

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