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Haul sayyidatina Khodijah al kubra rha

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Again I attended a long awaited haul. Had a penchant for hauls at maqam Habib Noh and even at mosques in Malaysia shores.

There is a sense of happiness attending such events that I cannot find from other outings. More importantly I get a joy within listening to the speeches of guidance and good advice.

Today’s haul is in commemoration of the wife of Prophet Muhammad, Khadijah Kuwailid. She is loved and remembered after her demise such that Aishah got jealous.

It was from her lineage that the grandchildren Hasan and Hussein came after Fatimah Az Zahra. Almost all hauls are in remembrance of the succeeding generations.

Touching on the issue of death commemoration, some may feel that any forms of supplications may not reach the decease, not to mention such major hauls attended by many.

In reality, we are reminded time and again with regards to intention for any Amal. Here, the living gets a form closure as they grieve.

The dead are in need of our doa and Qur’anic recitations. A Hadith goes which says that every Friday, the decease receives a ‘present’ from the living.

Let us all keep each other in prayers and well wishes. To all we know or know not.


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