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The ESQ Journey

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Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

ESQ means Emotional Spiritual Journey. It is a journey beyond words and writings will not be able to describe the experience. Penning this down was difficult as I had to choose the right words so that journey which I had embarked on is not a waste.

The meaning of 165 is already significant as it represents

1 God, 6 Pillars Of Faith in Islam and 5 Pillars of Islam

One may claim that this is a Religious Education module after going through it because he or she might not understand the true meaning of it at the end of the 2 or 3 days seminar if their hearts and minds are closed to the facts that are given. To be honest even Muslims may have problems accepting this. I will say some will hate to go through this process but many others will walk out this seminar enlighten and clearly knowing their purpose in life.

In fact it is a character building course showing you  a path to find your creator and showing you a path to find yourself. Two questions will ring in your head through out this course, “WHO ARE YOU?” & “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” and finally “WHY DO YOU SAY LAILAHAILLALLAH“.

In the beginning of this course, they screened a video showing us the number of people committing suicide from this Golden Gate Bridge in California. The founder of ESQ, Pak Ary explained that even though America have great talents and has the fastest technological progress in recent times, the country has NO SOUL. In that few minutes the video was taken, you could see 3-4 people jumping off it and committing suicide.

Ladies and Gentleman this phenomenon is real, every second in this world someone dies. Someone committing suicide without force. Why is that so? The trainers of ESQ explains that even though Human race have progressed so far, they have forgotten their CREATOR. They have forgotten their purpose in  life. They have forgotten the promise they made to GOD before their souls were placed in this world.

Hence this Character Building Course is about finding that Spiritual Energy inside of you. You may have IQ, EQ and FQ ( Financial Quotient by Robert Kiyosaki ) however most of us in fact lack of SQ – our spiritual side.

These 2-3 days journey will definitely have an impact in your life and the amount they ask you to pay for the course is really ridiculous. If it were me to put the price, I would have easily set it to over $2,000 because of the impact it can make in your life. Furthermore once you finish the course, you can go for any ESQ refresher course around the world for FREE.

At the end of the course I was more impressed by the Founder – Dr Ary’s vision. As we all know how corrupted Indonesia is and the Trainers actually admit to it as they are from Indonesia. But the founders set a goal to build a pillar of strength, pillar of morality in that country. Through that they are developing a building which lies the Moral Compass of the country. Its really a bold vision to adhere to but after going through the course that belief is strengthened. They can do it. They can be the moral compass of the country when others are defying Allah’s instructions. Everyday thousands of Indonesians come to them for help and thousands others come to them to ask for their purpose of life. Yes they cannot tell you that however they can guide you. Are we seeing the beginning of change?

This is one of the few courses that can really make a difference and really push the Muslim community forward. The price may be heavy for some of you however give it a thought. What is the dollars and cents compared to being a better Human Being.

I foresee a golden era coming. Though we live in a world full of bad things happening, there are many more people turning to Islam every day and I believe that ESQ is a vehicle which can accelerate this purpose.

If you are interested and are willing to walk the ESQ journey, visit our portal’s event listings to find out when is the next ESQ Course, be it in Singapore or overseas.

View the listings here.

May Allah swt bless you for reading this article till the end and we hope it opens your hearts and minds to our beautiful way of life. Ameen.

I would like to leave you with this video the theme song for ESQ itself.. Do reflect on it

Written by: Fadzuli Wahab
Internet Entrepreneur
Founder of IslamicSG Networks


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  1. Elley


    Alhamdulillah… yr write up is superb!! Will use this to share with the rest..

    May HE Blessed you…and may we have more people joining us!


  2. Fadzuli

    Yes there is such a thing. To make it simple its about Faith.

    Example you don’t need to see Allah to believe he is there.

    This is beyond what IQ, EQ can comprehend.

  3. Saiful

    Very good write up. Subhanallah!
    Thank you, Bro. Need your permission to publish it in ESQ Singapore FB page.


  4. Multatuli

    Bro. Fadzuli,

    You said that there is such a thing as Spiritual Quotient. You say that it is about Faith. But you need to clarify… are you saying that SQ is Iman? What is the relationship between SQ and Faith? Can you define exactly what is SQ? I agree that Allah is there even if you don’t see Him. But such a reasoning cannot be used to prove that SQ exists or what it is. Simply saying that it is in some mysterious way beyond IQ or EQ does not say anything sustantial.

    • Fadzuli

      Well firstly I’m not an Ustaz yah. So I cannot give you a proper definition of things. The concept of SQ was define by Dr Ary Ginanjar the creator of ESQ. Perhaps you should pick up his books and read about them. 🙂

  5. Fadzuli

    If you want to know more about ESQ – drop us an email to info@islamicevents.sg. We will forward your information to the organisers themselves to explain exactly what is ESQ.

    Merely being a participant we can only give reviews based on our own perspective. To really understand the full nature of ESQ, you have to ask the organizers themselves.

    To be a trainer in this line, one requires years of learning. As I said just being a participant will not give you a complete picture. And that is why the participants are encouraged to go for the second time or upteen times for FREE.

    Thanks for questioning and we hope you will get your answers soon.