“Where are the English Islamic Events??”

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Every now and then (and getting more frequent), we in IslamicEvents.sg gets the same comment over and over again from disappointed visitors – “Where are your english events??”. Its not really a thought-provoking question, yet it does concern us here in IslamicEvents.sg, as we are set up to serve all Muslims in Singapore, not just the Malay-Muslims.

It is pertinent to note that IslamicEvents.sg is only listing the events happening in Singapore. So more appropriately, this question has to be directed to the ‘sources’ themselves, mainly the Muslim organisations and mosques here.

We reflect the reality of the nature of Islamic events happening in Singapore and we understand the disappointment that our Indian, Chinese (even those from China ones), Pakistanis, Myanmarese, European, and American Muslims here face (most of the comments came from them) when surfing by IslamicEvents.sg hoping to find ‘ilm in a language they’re more familiar with.

To be fair, these organisations cater for the majority of the Muslims here, who are Malays. Tradition is hard to break as well, as Islam has been taught in the Malay language since a long time ago.

But where there are Muslims of different races and cultures here, and with today’s and future homogenous society becoming more acquainted with English, it is timely that Muslim organisations and mosques embark on da’wah and islah efforts in a language (or languages) understood by all and reflect the diversity of the Muslim populace here.

Some Muslim organisations such as SimplyIslam.sg (As-Siddiq Centre), Al-Markaz and AMP realised the need to change the language-medium of conveying the message of Islam to English and have become a hub for Muslims of all races to get their doses of Islamic classes and events.

But more needs to be done and we hope to see more mosques have events and classes which caters to every Muslim in Singapore insyallah.

luqman.jpg Written by: Luqman Hakim

Occupation: Full Time Student @ NUS
Founder of IslamicSG Networks

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