Ahmad Ibrahim Mosque – Forum Perdana on 17th January 09

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Topic for the day:
How Rasullah Manages the Economy Rasullah ( Economy Cara Rasullah )

It’s really a night to remember as we get to see two great speakers on stage sharing their knowledge on how Rasullah manages his money and how we can take the steps to face the Economic challenges that will fall onto us. The image shown on the left is Ust Drs Hj Ahmad Dahri & on below is the famous Malaysian speaker – Ustz Farid Ravi. The moderator for this forum was Ust Syahrin Md Jamaludin from Malaysia.

1) It starts from Family

The economic crisis will definitely hit hard on us and every single person whether you are rich or poor will be affected in one way or another. It may not only be in terms of money only. It may even destroy relationships, families and so on.

Whatever the circumstances may be. The economic planning must start from Home said Ust Farid Ravi. There must be a system in place within the family that practise saving your salary first, avoid buying things that will get you in debt, avoid get rich quick schemes and so on. 

Also there was an emphasis of overspending. Somehow it has been ingrain into to us to spend more than what we can afford and end up getting into bitter debts. Day in day you struggle it off. For some it continues on till old age. So the advise was not to spend on such trivial stuff. Only spend on what is needed.

You may not realise it but this is happening. The moment you friend buys a big TV, you also want a big TV and so on and so on. Could we be more prudent in spending and buy only what you can afford?


Drs Hj Ahmad Dahri then emphasize on REZEKI and Solat.

“Sesiapa yang sengaja meninggalkan solat kerana kerja, maka wang diraih pada masa itu akan dikena HARAM. Jadi anda perlu mendermakannya kecuali DARURAT dan benar benar terlupa kerana sangat Khusyuk dengan tugasnya “

Those who don’t attend their prayers when they are supposed to and continue on with work will not reap the most benefit. The money earned during those hours and period have to be donated and given away as it is HARAM for you to use it. Only two reasons that is when you are not in a situation to pray or you really forgotten about it due to the focus on the work.

Let’s take this point seriously. If you are not consistent in your prayers, now you know why your income doesn’t grow. 



Perhaps this is the last thing that you want us to say but Ustaz Ravi shared a story about the great Saydina Umar a.s where he saw them in the mosque during the day spending their time only worshipping Allah. He came in to that mosque, question each one of them and eventually all of them were thrown out. They were told to find jobs to make sure their families are fed, have a roof on their head and send their children to schools.

In this current situation right now, I believe many of you out there will be retrenched. Some of you may find jobs immediately, some of you might start a business and some of you will not get a job however hard you try. Don’t give up if you are in that situation. Keep looking and keep expanding your network.


Here’s some tips. 

Whenever you go for an interview, ask the interviewers for their namecards. Even if you don’t get a job you can still contact the interviewer next time right if there’s any vacancies. Its just like how business deals are created. You need to learn to connect with people at the personal level, then you do business.

So imagine going to 10 interviews and collecting at least 10 cards. Wouldn’t you have 10 new friends in your list of friend? So in fact did you lose anything? Furthermore those interviewing you are not just anybody right? They are the QUALITY friends that you should be making with.


Every person you meet will have a potential of getting you work, new business or clients. So grow your network.



Don’t just go into business with small goals. Think big and expand when necessary. This may sound weird but its happening among us. A lot of us when we hit a ceiling feels that’s the dead end. Come on, we can definitely be better than where we are.

I have a few people complaining about not having enough funds to expand or can’t borrow bank. In fact if you ask me, these businessman do not care about saving to expand. If you dont have it now. Can you start saving now and expand your business one year from now? Give yourself a realistic timeline and make that expansion plan a goal. Perhaps some opportunities may be lost but new ones will usually present itself. 

Today’s business is all about going global not local anymore. So think about it.



Let’s not be involve with anything that is haram. We can be rich but the way to be rich should be the right way and the halal way. Everyone will face challenges as long as you are living in this world. Strengthen our iman and keep educating ourselves to face the bad and the good times ahead.


Art Fazil performing before the start of the FORUM.


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This article is written by Fadzuli Wahab

Fadzuli Wahab is an Internet Entrepreneur. 
Visit www.fadzuli.com to know more about him and get his tips on Internet marketing, business and his Entrepeneurship journeys. 

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