Family love

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Assalamu’alaikum dear precious readers,

“O mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and female and divided you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another and not that you despise one another. Indeed the most noble of you to Allah is the most righteous. Indeed Allah is most knowing and acquainted.” 49:13 (surah hujurat / the dwellings)

The above verse states Allah’s ‘ilm for which humans are the only creation granted intelligence speech. Surely fascinating is the numerous world languages for human communication.

Yet apart from language, there are evidences of multiple barriers which make bonding with acquaintances and strangers difficult, not to mention strifles with our immediate familiar circles.

The verse above highlights the disease of ‘despising’ someone. The source of this can be understood from one angle based on Islamic history. The gazwas or battles fought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) often are meant to unite tribal factions apart from upholding Islamic monotheism.

Reviving Sunnah means wisdom in speech, not just intelligent; “If you were harsh and hard-hearted, they would have fled from around you.” (3:159)

Gone are the days where nobility resides in our royal or even spiritual lineage. For the guided ones, ameen, being righteous today invites backlashes albeit those of sincere intention.

Niyyat, is an essential beginning of any endeavor. When applied to gaining love of Allah’s creature, the basis must be free from intention to harm or causing difficulty. Prophet Muhammad our most beloved said that if there are two paths he will choose the one that is ease.

Majority of relationship breakdowns is due to remnants of it being transactional in nature. This simply refers to obtaining a reward for a good done and the receiver of the good will be indebted to repay the favor.

Surely it is clear now of one’s role as Allah’s slave and vicegerent on earth. So long as one is not a slave to the whims of creatures and abides by conscience, there is limitless good to be shared with our fellow mankind!

If there is a recipient of one’s care and concern, that will be one’s family. As clique it may sound, when one is habitually kind and compassionate to one’s immediate family members, that disposition is a easier shared amongst acquaintances, colleagues and even peoples from various backgrounds. This is especially necessary in living up to the true message of universal common origins and roots of our Abrahamic faith.




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