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This articles is re-published with permission by Sister Zawiah Hassan

Yes, I WAS! That raged an internal war. A war that didn’t take place on the battlefield BUT within me – resulted an increase in blood pressure and sleepness nights.

I asked Allah to guide me, to show me the way on how I should go about facing this. I prostrate to Him at the darkest hours of time. O Allah! Please guide me to the straight path and assist me in resolving my affairs. Only onto You I submit. There’s none but You do I worshipped. AMEEN!

Being a legal person, I then decided to fight it all out. Collating all the facts and documents evidencing that I’ve been framed, I was ready. Ready to even go to court to settle matters.

With the mind set and everything prepared, I headed to “war” – well, almost.

Like any other days, on my way to work, I will be reading a book . On that particular day, I was reading Don’t Be Sad . Settled myself comfortably in the mrt and I flipped open the book. This was the first verse that popped right in front of my eyes…..a verse from Don’t Be Sad that sent shivers down my spine.

By having a strong faith in Allah, you will forgive the one who transgresses against you. Better yet is to have good wishes for that same person. And the highest and best level – higher than simply forgiving him or simply wishing him well – is to benefit or help him in some way.

The first stage of forgiveness is to repress your anger, which means that you don’t reciprocate injury with injury. Then comes actual forgiveness, which means to pardon and to discard any feelings of ill will. And then finally comes doing good, or in other words, to recompense the harm that was acted out on you with a good deed or a show of kindness.

Those who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves the good-doers. (Quran 3:134)

MasyaAllah. I was dumbfounded. O Allah! Are those answers to my prayers? Is that what You want me to do? I’m a victim here and I have a case. Why should I admit defeat before giving a chance to defend myself? O Allah! If that is what I have to do, and You bless it, I will. You know all the seen and Unseen.

When harm befalls you, perhaps there is a benefit that comes with it, a benefit that you cannot perceive. And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you. (Quran 2:216)

I put my complete trust in Him. Without a second thought, I rested my case.

Bearing and clutching tight on Allah’s words, I moved on. Words of Allah that helps to strengthen my faith. Encourage me to face all situations with bravery and perseverance.

And let not those who have no certainty of faith discourage you…. (Quran 30:60)

Alhamdulillah. AND Guess what? Barely 2 weeks the person that framed me, came and apologised :)) Subhanallah. Just look at what Allah has prepared for me? Need I ask for more? I should then be a more thankful person right? The creation of the Mighty Creator.

Seek help from Allah. Be patient and remember always – for every hardship comes ease.

Don’t Be Sad – a book that I constantly cling on next to Al Quran and Hadiths. A book that I seek solace in times of hardship and low morale.

In fact I STRONGLY encouraged everyone to read this book – Don’t Be Sad . A great book full of words from Allah.

Don’t know where to get it? Click  here and complete the transaction online and the book will be delivered to you, InsyaAllah. :))

Jazakallah Khairan

Zah Han

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