Heard of Shaikr?

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The image “http://www.shaikr.com/wp-content/themes/k2/images/headers/header_comic.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Some might have heard of him from his hit blog Spiritual Tendencies. Or you might have seen his eye-catching I Laff @ Islamophobes banners around. For the uninitiated, the widely-used Muslims Against Terrorism badges were designed by Shaik Abdul Khafid & are used worldwide, and this is no exaggeration. He has done badges for various countries apart from Singapore like Chile, Norway, Hungary, Canadian & others.

The image “http://www.shaikr.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ameera-123x300.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.On top of his neat designs, Shaik (also known as Shaikr as popularized by his website’s url) draw comics that are funny & highlights the perception of Islamophobes of Muslims (or in his impersonation of Americans, Muzlumz…).

Whether its his writing, his comics or his graphics that you were attracted to, one thing’s for sure – the guy’s got real talent & alhamdulillah he has used it for the benefit of the Ummah. We’re proud to have come across his website & even prouder to feature him here.
His graphics are free for all to use but do remember to link back to his site, thats just basic courtesy.

Don’t forget to check out his website & drop him a comment or two to compliment him on his efforts thus far!

Visit www.shaikr.com

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