Primer to Arabic Balagha: it’s for you & me..

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    Big Life Question Of A Muslim…

    In the field of cognitive psychology, intelligence is directly related to one’s flair for language.

    Due to the intricacies of language nuances as well as the unseen culture inextricably linked to a particular language, one becomes increasing adept to a worldview simply by being versed in the lingo in question.

    Now the big question is understanding the necessity for Qur’an to be revealed in Arabic. Based on a common knowledge that Torah was revealed in Hebrew while the Bible was revealed in Aramaic, let’s try to learn Arabic grammar because by doing so we can best understand our heritage via the last revealed book.

    Understanding Nahw/tarkeeb terms:

    a) conceptual words ism (noun), fi’il (verb), harf (proposition)

    b) conceptual sentences of jumlah ismiyyah and jumlah fi’liyyah either typical of khabariyyah (informative) or inshaaiyyah (commands,questions)

    c) conceptual musnad ilayh is the subject and musnad is the predicate in sentences – the exact terms are mubtada and khabar (for jumlah ismiyyah); faa’il (doer) and fi’il (verb) (for jumlah fi’liyyah)

    d) conceptual fi’il naaqis (auxillary verbs) can be present in front of jumlah ismiyyah

    e) conceptual murakkab ghayr mufeed (compound structures) – mawsoof/sifah (noun/adjective phrase), mudhaaf/mudhaaf ilayh (possessed attribute/the possessor of the attribute), jaar/majroor (preposition/object of preposition) & muta’alliq (association with the former),

    f) conceptual positioning of jarr (majroor state) for ism (noun) that is, majroor or object of preposition and, mudhaaf ilayh or attribution to a possession

    g) conceptual applications of ism leading to nasb (mansoob state) – maf’ool bihi (object of verb), maf’ool mutlaq (normal adverb), maf’ool lahu (adverb of reason/cause), maf’ool fihi (adverb of time/place), maf’ool ma’ahul, haal (describing the faa’il or maf’ool bihi), tameez (clarify weight, distance, number, measure), particle ‘laa’ or negation, mustathnaa

    h) conceptual applications of ism leading to raf’ (marfoo’ state) – faa’il (doer of verb), naa’ib faa’il (subject in verbal sentence or jumlah fi’liyyah), mubtada (subject of jumlah ismiyyah), khabar (predicate of jumlah fi’liyyah), maa and laa or laysa (negative prefixes)

    i) conceptual mu’rab (works with varied grammar state) or mabni (words with fixed ends and whose state remains throughout sentence), mubdal minhu/badal (entity/extension of entity), mawsool/silah (relative pronoun), ism ishaarah/mushaar ilayh (demonstrative pronoun/noun being demonstrated), ‘atf/ma’toof ilayh (waaw connecting 2 isms/related extension

    This primer is meant to further your interest to pursue this heavenly language. Allahu musta’an!

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    1. REAL CONNECTION: TOWARDS ONENESS has been translated to Arabic by Sister Aidah Shakoor Ameen ‎(عائده شكور آمين)‎ and revised by Prof Madya Dr Antar and Dr Mohammed Aziz from the Faculty of Arabic Lang & Literature from University of Al-Azhar, Egypt.

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