Ayat-ayat Cinta Full House!!

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Waaaah it seems that the talk was a hit! Alhamdulillah!

The topic was attractive enough, plus the good timing that coincided with the recent rave about the movie & the book by Habiburrahman El Shirazy, “Ayat-ayat Cinta”. I’ve been hearing people say how the place was packed, the talk was entertaining, funny yet informative. It has even resulted in some blogs talking about the topic. One of these could be read here.

Any out there who attended and wants to share your experience? Please do enlighten those who were unfortunate enough to not be able to make it that day!

If you did write a review of the talk on your blog, why not link it here so that we know what was shared during the talk and your opinions on it?

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  1. Assalamualaikum All,

    Hope you all are in pleasant state.
    Anyway, I am just curious about some of the happening in ayat-ayat cinta.
    Truely, the story is nice to watch, religiously romantic and the behaviour of Fahri should be idolised (even though its just from a story).

    But how is it possible to a muslim man to get married to a christian lady without her converting. Even if the first wife gives permission to him.

    And can a man nikah with a lady when one of them is not in the right state of mind, in this case coma. Even if she loves him, but she is not in proper mind to think whether to accept or not. What if when she recovers, and she decided that the marriage shouldn’t have taken place?

    Just hope someone could clarify my concerns.


  2. Assalamualaikum All,

    Hope you all are in pleasant state.
    Anyway, I am just curious about some of the happening in ayat-ayat cinta.
    Truely, the story is nice to watch, religiously romantic and the behaviour of Fahri should be idolised (even though its just from a story).

    But how is it possible to a muslim man to get married to a christian lady without her converting. Even if the first wife gives permission to him.

    And can a man nikah with a lady when one of them is not in the right state of mind, in this case coma. Even if she loves him, but she is not in proper mind to think whether to accept or not. What if when she recovers, and she decided that the marriage shouldn’t have taken place?

    Just hope someone could clarify my concerns.


  3. Salam Nurda!

    In Islamic law, it is permissible for a Muslim man to get married to women who are Christian or a Jew (People of the Book) although this is not encouraged. It is however not permissible for a Muslim lady to do so unless the man converts. This is said so in the Qur’an. In Surah al-Maidah, 5:5 “(Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time – when you give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues.”

    For ladies, Surah al-Baqarah, 2:221 “Do not marry (your daughters) to unbelievers until they believe: a man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you.”

    As for your second concern, someone did bring this up during one of my religious class. The Ustaz said that the nikah is not sah if one of the party is not in the right state of mind. They need to be both agreeable and of course, conscious. 🙂

    However, seeing as to how this was a case of mudarat (emergency perhaps?) since Maria was close to death and everyone seems to think the only way she could still be alive was if she got Fahri’s love.

    Wallahu ‘alam. Do check with someone who is qualified to answer your queries. But thanks for your comment! Hopefully an IT-savvy Ustaz or Ustazah who might be reading this would care to comment.

  4. Salam Nurda!

    In Islamic law, it is permissible for a Muslim man to get married to women who are Christian or a Jew (People of the Book) although this is not encouraged. It is however not permissible for a Muslim lady to do so unless the man converts. This is said so in the Qur’an. In Surah al-Maidah, 5:5 “(Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time – when you give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues.”

    For ladies, Surah al-Baqarah, 2:221 “Do not marry (your daughters) to unbelievers until they believe: a man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you.”

    As for your second concern, someone did bring this up during one of my religious class. The Ustaz said that the nikah is not sah if one of the party is not in the right state of mind. They need to be both agreeable and of course, conscious. 🙂

    However, seeing as to how this was a case of mudarat (emergency perhaps?) since Maria was close to death and everyone seems to think the only way she could still be alive was if she got Fahri’s love.

    Wallahu ‘alam. Do check with someone who is qualified to answer your queries. But thanks for your comment! Hopefully an IT-savvy Ustaz or Ustazah who might be reading this would care to comment.

  5. But i thought, if we need to nikah, both parties must be in the conscious state of mine to agree. So if fahri menikah maria ketika dier sedang coma(tk sedarkan diri) the nikah mane sah?

    Kot2 biler maria sedar, maria pun tertanya2, “eh biler aku nikah nga fahri ni? Ader ke?”

    So as wat our sister ameera said, hopefully an IT-Savvy ustaz or ustazah can discuss this matter further =o) wallahu’alam.

  6. But i thought, if we need to nikah, both parties must be in the conscious state of mine to agree. So if fahri menikah maria ketika dier sedang coma(tk sedarkan diri) the nikah mane sah?

    Kot2 biler maria sedar, maria pun tertanya2, “eh biler aku nikah nga fahri ni? Ader ke?”

    So as wat our sister ameera said, hopefully an IT-Savvy ustaz or ustazah can discuss this matter further =o) wallahu’alam.

  7. Dalam Islam, pengantin perempuan disyaratkan perlu keizinan wali. Dalam hal ini, wali mujbir iaitu Bapa dan Datuk. Mereka boleh menikahkan anak atau cucu perempuannya tanpa perlu dapat persetujuan mereka, dengan syarat tiada permusuhan antara bapa/datuk dengan anak/cucu.

    Jadi tidak timbul sama perlu pengantin perempuan sedar atau tidak.

    Begitu juga dengan wali wanita ahli kitab (spt kes Kristian Koptik) sama seperti hukum wali wanita muslimah. Adapun wanita bukan Islam seperti Kristian masa kini. Maka walinya adalah wali hakim.

  8. Dalam Islam, pengantin perempuan disyaratkan perlu keizinan wali. Dalam hal ini, wali mujbir iaitu Bapa dan Datuk. Mereka boleh menikahkan anak atau cucu perempuannya tanpa perlu dapat persetujuan mereka, dengan syarat tiada permusuhan antara bapa/datuk dengan anak/cucu.

    Jadi tidak timbul sama perlu pengantin perempuan sedar atau tidak.

    Begitu juga dengan wali wanita ahli kitab (spt kes Kristian Koptik) sama seperti hukum wali wanita muslimah. Adapun wanita bukan Islam seperti Kristian masa kini. Maka walinya adalah wali hakim.

  9. Salam all…

    Quoted from Sis Ameera:
    “In Islamic law, it is permissible for a Muslim man to get married to women who are Christian or a Jew (People of the Book) although this is not encouraged.”

    My Ustaz said that too, but provided they really follow the teaching of the book…But now, kitab-kitab mereka tak tahu mana yang sahih…So i believe that statement cannot be applied in today’s era as Injil and Taurat have gone thru changes and have been manipulated.

    And Regarding Bro Yusri comments, my ustaz also did mention that. By right in Islam, if a father wants to marry off his daughter without asking the permission of the daughter, the daughter have to obey and cannot defy her father although she is not ready to get married.

  10. Salam all…

    Quoted from Sis Ameera:
    “In Islamic law, it is permissible for a Muslim man to get married to women who are Christian or a Jew (People of the Book) although this is not encouraged.”

    My Ustaz said that too, but provided they really follow the teaching of the book…But now, kitab-kitab mereka tak tahu mana yang sahih…So i believe that statement cannot be applied in today’s era as Injil and Taurat have gone thru changes and have been manipulated.

    And Regarding Bro Yusri comments, my ustaz also did mention that. By right in Islam, if a father wants to marry off his daughter without asking the permission of the daughter, the daughter have to obey and cannot defy her father although she is not ready to get married.

  11. Salaamun’alaikum,

    “And Regarding Bro Yusri comments, my ustaz also did mention that. By right in Islam, if a father wants to marry off his daughter without asking the permission of the daughter, the daughter have to obey and cannot defy her father although she is not ready to get married.”

    Yes, but the daughter can reject on the grounds of ‘not being desirable’ or kufu etc.. Means, the permission of the daughter is needed. Many hadith supports this including the narration of Ibn Abbas regarding Barirah and Mugith in which Rasulullah saw was the mediator (the only one i can remember rite now)

    I’m sorry if i have to provide an external link for the dalil (which i’ve already learned but forgotten) http://www.answering-christianity.com/cant_force_marriage.htm

    Btw, Thanks Ustadz Yusri for answering… Being a scholar of hadith, im sure your comments would carry much more weight! 🙂

  12. Salaamun’alaikum,

    “And Regarding Bro Yusri comments, my ustaz also did mention that. By right in Islam, if a father wants to marry off his daughter without asking the permission of the daughter, the daughter have to obey and cannot defy her father although she is not ready to get married.”

    Yes, but the daughter can reject on the grounds of ‘not being desirable’ or kufu etc.. Means, the permission of the daughter is needed. Many hadith supports this including the narration of Ibn Abbas regarding Barirah and Mugith in which Rasulullah saw was the mediator (the only one i can remember rite now)

    I’m sorry if i have to provide an external link for the dalil (which i’ve already learned but forgotten) http://www.answering-christianity.com/cant_force_marriage.htm

    Btw, Thanks Ustadz Yusri for answering… Being a scholar of hadith, im sure your comments would carry much more weight! 🙂

  13. Betul Luqman,

    Seseorang bapa atau datuk (wali mujbir) hanya boleh mengahwinkan seorang anak dara tanpa persetujuan anak dara itu adalah sah dengan syarat2 berikut:

    1. Janganlah hendaknya terdapat antara anak dara itu dengan bapanya atau datuknya yang mengahwinkannya itu apa-apa sifat permusuhan yang nyata dan tidak pula terlindung daripada pengetahuan orang-orang di tempat anak dara itu berada.
    2. Si suami itu hendaklah sama tarafnya (sekufu) dengan anak dara itu.
    3. Si suami itu hendaklah mampu membayar mas kahwin.
    4. Janganlah hendaknya terdapat sifat permusuhan baik di luar mahupun di dalam antara anak dara itu dengan si suami.

    Dalilnya ialah:
    “Perempuan janda lebih berhak pada dirinya daripada walinya dan perempuan perawan atau dara dikahwinkan oleh bapanya”.
    (Riwayat Darul-Qutni)

    Hadith ini menunjukkan bapa atau datuk mengahwinkan anak perempuan yang perawan tanpa meminta izin anak perempuan itu terlebih dahulu adalah sah.

    Inilah undang-undang yang diguna pakai oleh pejabat nikah di negara Singapura yang berlandaskan mazhab Syafii.

    Adapun hadith-hadith yang disebutkan oleh Luqman itu menjadi pertikaian para ulama mengenai makna “meminta izin anak dara” yang terdapat dalam hadith-hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

    Menurut Imam Malik, Imam Shafi’e, Imam Ahmad dan ulama-ulama dalam Mazhab Syafi’e seperti Imam Nawawi, maksud “meminta izin anak dara” adalah sunat bagi wali mujbir meminta izin terlebih dahulu daripada pengantin perempuan seperti mana dengan maksud hadith yang dieriwayatkan oleh Darul-Qutni”.

    Namun, berkemungkinan ada penafsiran ulama lain yang berpendapat sebaliknya yakni perlu juga mendapat izin berdasarkan makna zahir hadith yang disebutkan.

    Kesimpulannya, ia bergantung kepada pejabat pendaftar Nikah sesuatu negara atas hujjah atau undang2 mana diguna pakai.

    Wallahu A’lam.

  14. Betul Luqman,

    Seseorang bapa atau datuk (wali mujbir) hanya boleh mengahwinkan seorang anak dara tanpa persetujuan anak dara itu adalah sah dengan syarat2 berikut:

    1. Janganlah hendaknya terdapat antara anak dara itu dengan bapanya atau datuknya yang mengahwinkannya itu apa-apa sifat permusuhan yang nyata dan tidak pula terlindung daripada pengetahuan orang-orang di tempat anak dara itu berada.
    2. Si suami itu hendaklah sama tarafnya (sekufu) dengan anak dara itu.
    3. Si suami itu hendaklah mampu membayar mas kahwin.
    4. Janganlah hendaknya terdapat sifat permusuhan baik di luar mahupun di dalam antara anak dara itu dengan si suami.

    Dalilnya ialah:
    “Perempuan janda lebih berhak pada dirinya daripada walinya dan perempuan perawan atau dara dikahwinkan oleh bapanya”.
    (Riwayat Darul-Qutni)

    Hadith ini menunjukkan bapa atau datuk mengahwinkan anak perempuan yang perawan tanpa meminta izin anak perempuan itu terlebih dahulu adalah sah.

    Inilah undang-undang yang diguna pakai oleh pejabat nikah di negara Singapura yang berlandaskan mazhab Syafii.

    Adapun hadith-hadith yang disebutkan oleh Luqman itu menjadi pertikaian para ulama mengenai makna “meminta izin anak dara” yang terdapat dalam hadith-hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

    Menurut Imam Malik, Imam Shafi’e, Imam Ahmad dan ulama-ulama dalam Mazhab Syafi’e seperti Imam Nawawi, maksud “meminta izin anak dara” adalah sunat bagi wali mujbir meminta izin terlebih dahulu daripada pengantin perempuan seperti mana dengan maksud hadith yang dieriwayatkan oleh Darul-Qutni”.

    Namun, berkemungkinan ada penafsiran ulama lain yang berpendapat sebaliknya yakni perlu juga mendapat izin berdasarkan makna zahir hadith yang disebutkan.

    Kesimpulannya, ia bergantung kepada pejabat pendaftar Nikah sesuatu negara atas hujjah atau undang2 mana diguna pakai.

    Wallahu A’lam.

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